O despertar da democracia não pode servir de guarda- chuva para vândalos.
Awakening of democracy can not serve as an umbrella for vandals
domingo, 23 de junho de 2013
sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2013
young talents - Shout out your voice: sing a song, dance, recite a poem
1- Who is
the host? ____________________________________________________________________
Douglas Severo, Igor Coelho, Patrick Rodrigues, Edilso Klimeck,
Diênifer Nunes, Hemanuel Medeiros, Isa Alina, Lucas Santos, Willian Andrades, Jheniffer Paim, Thayna, Ruan Arruda.
Década - 1950
Banda- The Beatles
Música- Help
Alessandra Freitas, Andriele Guedes, Felipe Alves, João Pedro, Luis Carlos, Myara Melo, Sheila Santos, Welinton, Luana.
Década - 1970
Banda- Iron Maiden
Música- The Trooper
Gabriela B., Sabrina, Thalya, Fabrício, Wilson, Diogenes, Dionatan.
Década - 1990 a 2000
Banda- Oasis, Lian, Gallagher, Noel, Gallegher
Música- Wonderwall
Grupo 1
Luís Fabiano, Bruno Camargo, Helena, Caroline, Alice, Vinícius, Brian, Eric, Pablo, Vitor, Patrick, Jonas .
Década- 60
Grupo 2
Lara, Diéssica, Eric
Grupo 3
Ingrid, Talia, Nícolas, Thamires, Jociele, Vitória, Franciele, Murilo
Banda- Avril Romana Lavigne e Los Hermanos
Música- When You're Gone
Grupo 4
Bianca, Bruno Camargo, Laiza, Gabrielli Cezar, Kevin
Grupo 1
Amanda, Maikon, Michael, Nathalia, Paulo Renato, Andriele Severo, Mikael, Jonathan Daniel
Grupo 2
Stéfani G. L., Eduarda N., Juliane M., Sara C., Ana Claudia, Fernanda, Cristian Ilha
Grupo 1
Amanda, Anne, Angela, Carol, Andrieli, Vânia, Sarah, Rafaela,
Amanda, Sara, Vânia - Década: 2000 a 2009
Grupo 2
Milene, Daniel, Luciano, Larissa, Matheus, Ezequiel, Rubem - Década: 50 a 59
Grupo 3
João, Ismael, Igor, Eduarda, Henrique, Denner, Lauren, Paola - Década: 70 a 79
This is the time to show your talent !!!!!!!!
Wait students - new work is coming . . .
Come on . . .
Be creative . . .
There is a bit of your life into the music
Music is in the air!

Have you ever met someone that doesn't like music? Who does not love music is not good guy, he's sick of his ear.
Students divide the class into groups of SEVEN or EIGHT people to perform the next work.
The teacher will draw the decades that each group will research: 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's.
Choose a band or singer's hit epoch drawn. Train song to be sung by the group during the presentation of the work. Explain the music's subject. The music should be sung in English.
Choose a famous band/singer of this year and recite a piece of music .
The group should wear clothes of the year that is drawn.
Think and answer
Do you like music?
Are you listening amy music right now?
What is your favorite music?
Do you have a favorite singer?
Which group you belong to: emo, punk, metal, etc?
O projeto interdisciplinar "Vivências em diferentes décadas", a ser realizado na Escola Estadual de Educação Básica Augusto Ruschi, durante o terceiro trimestre do ano letivo de 2013, nasceu da necessidade de conhecer, valorizar e difundir os diferentes gêneros musicais vinculados ao momento histórico, social, cultural e político dos países de fala Inglesa em comparação com o nosso país.Essas décadas iniciarão nos anos 50 até os anos atuais. Também é uma preocupação dos professores integrar conteúdos de forma significativa.
Trabalhar com este projeto, no âmbito da sala de aula, será um desafio, não somente para os alunos, como para todos os professores que irão interdisciplinar os conteúdos de suas respectivas disciplinas ao trabalho em pauta.
Os assuntos abordarão conhecimentos relacionados aos aspectos idiomáticos, geográficos,científicos, artísticos dentre outros, do Brasil em comparação com outros países. A leitura e interpretação das músicas farão o discente refletir sobre a língua Inglesa e sua língua materna, observando questões de todas as áreas do conhecimento.
O público alvo deste trabalho são alunos de 8ªs séries, ensino fundamental.
Observando o nosso meio escolar, percebemos que um grande número de alunos não possuem conhecimento suficiente para fazer uma seleção musical, optando geralmente por ritmos com apelo ao erotismo e a sensualidade. Também, a música torna-se um instrumento de aquisição de uma segunda língua.
Partindo destas observações e com a finalidade de apresentar ao corpo discente uma variedade de estilos musicais de diferentes épocas buscando sua interação com repertórios diversos, decidimos desenvolver um projeto interdisciplinar abordando diferentes hábitos culturais.
Este projeto piloto irá estudar os vários momentos através das décadas com estudo de diferentes ritmos musicais, pois a música, mais do que qualquer outra manifestação, manipula o som e organiza o tempo, além de ditar a moda e os comportamentos numa sociedade.
O trabalho com música é bastante enriquecedor, pois envolve nos alunos capacidades de ordem cognitiva, afetiva, física, ética, estética, perceptiva, atrelados a estas, os objetivos procedimentos atitudinais e conceituais, em todos os aspectos que serão trabalhados durante as aulas.
De acordo com esta diagnóstica, percebe-se que a música, além de ser um tema muito envolvente: através dela, pessoas expressam diferentes sentimentos como amor, amizade, solidão, tristeza, alegria. A música retrata também aspectos da sociedade numa determinada época que mudam conforme o lugar.
Oportunizar o aluno a vivenciar as diferentes décadas da história e sua diversidade cultural, desenvolvendo seu pensamento crítico em relação a década pesquisada pelo seu grupo. Utilizar as inovações metodológicas no ensino e introduzir uma educação inclusiva, onde o aluno toma conhecimento da relação entre as matérias e possa por em prática essas ligações entre elas.
Comparar os diversos estilos musicais de acordo com as seguintes décadas (anos): 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000, 2010, 213.
Demonstrar atitude de ouvinte atento, aprimorando seu sentido de percepção do idioma inglês.
Abordar as diferentes vertentes musicais nos períodos históricos até a contemporaneidade.
Resgatar fatos marcantes de cada década ( científico, político, social, compotamental, etc).
Ampliar seu repertório musical, conhecendo compositores e composições importantes das diferentes décadas.
Entrar em contato com um léxico diversificado, para uma melhor expressão no momento da fala e escrita.
Abordar a história e evolução do processo nacional e internacional.
Aperfeiçoar a capacidade de concentração, sensibilidade e memória; trazendo benefícios ao raciocínio.
Ler e interpretar para ter melhor compreensão do mundo.
Caracterizar-se de acordo com a roupa e maquiagem da década, como forma de retratar a sociedade daquela época.
Falar, em Inglês, o nome das vestes como forma de enriquecer o vocabulário.
Cantar uma música em língua Inglesa, observando pronúncia e entonação. Cantar uma música em Português da mesma década.
Localizar no mapa o país/região para melhor se situar e situar os outros.
Expressar-se fisicamente através de movimentos ritmados e coordenados.
Quantificar através de gráficos, porcentagens, comparações a qualidade de vida na década a ser pesquisada, buscando a moeda do país estrangeiro pertencente a banda ou cantor em comparação com o nosso país.
Produzir textos em Português, retratando diferentes épocas de sua vida.
Os professores de 8ªs séries orientarão os alunos no trabalho de pesquisa utilizando todos os recursos da escola.
Sensibilização e dinâmica sobre as décadas.
Levantamento de conhecimentos prévios sobre as décadas de um modo geral.
Pesquisas em jornais, revistas, TV, Internet, biblioteca e em outros meios.
Aulas expositivas, dialógicas, reflexivas, debates, discussões.
Pesquisas de danças, shows musicais.
Produções textuais.
Roupas que caracterizam a década
Computador e Internet
Cd, DVD, pen drive
Máquina fotográfica
A rádio da escola
Salão da escola
Sala de informática
Letras de músicas
Rádio gravador
Setembro - Divisão dos grupos, sorteio das décadas, apresentação da bibliografia, reuniões em grupos na sala de informática, na sala de aula e na biblioteca.
Outubro - Revisão do trabalho pelos professores e ensaio das apresentações.
11 de novembro- Início das apresentações na ordem cronológica. Os primeiros a se apresentarem serão da década de 50, após 60 e assim sucessivamente.
O trabalho terá o valor de 15 pontos, distribuídos da seguinte forma:
Durante o processo de pesquisa
1- Assiduidade (Comparecer aos encontros proporcionados pelo grupo)
2- Harmonia (Favorecer encontros com equilíbrio e concórdia de todos)
3- Posicionar-se (opinar e ouvir opiniões com respeito)
4- Uso de várias fontes (Elaborar a pesquisa fazendo uso de sites diversos, livros, revistas, etc)
5- Originalidade (Ser criativo, autêntico. Expressar-se usando palavras próprias
Durante a apresentação
1- Comprometimento com o grupo
2- Postura/ desenvoltura
3- Domínio do conteúdo
5- Organização
6- Estética (palco, figurino, maquiagem, etc)
The history of sound

You tube - história da moda.
Are also on the faces of people
going by
3º- Assistir
ao clip David Attenborough - Wonderful World - BBC - YouTube e estabelecer a relação entre a letra da música e as imagens do videoclipe.
Anos 80
Dear students’ parents from
eighth grade
It's a great pleasure to invite you to the event called
"Experiences in different decades." This event will be marked by the
presentation of historical facts, dance, music, clothes from the 50s to the
present day. The hosts will be students of eighth grade Augusto Ruschi school,
it’s located at Dr. Paulo da Silva e Sousa street, Santa Marta neighborhood . The event will begin on November 11th, 2013,
one o'clock pm. Guests should wear casual clothing.
We look forward your presence.
Send your RSVP.
Yours faithfully
Signature: Teachers from
eighth grade
2- Who is
the guest? ____________________________________________________________________
3- What is the event´s name?
4- What is
the provide date? ____________________________________________________________
5- What is
the address? _________________________________________________________________
Douglas Severo, Igor Coelho, Patrick Rodrigues, Edilso Klimeck,
Diênifer Nunes, Hemanuel Medeiros, Isa Alina, Lucas Santos, Willian Andrades, Jheniffer Paim, Thayna, Ruan Arruda.
Década - 1950
Banda- The Beatles
Música- Help
Alessandra Freitas, Andriele Guedes, Felipe Alves, João Pedro, Luis Carlos, Myara Melo, Sheila Santos, Welinton, Luana.
Década - 1970
Banda- Iron Maiden
Música- The Trooper
Gabriela B., Sabrina, Thalya, Fabrício, Wilson, Diogenes, Dionatan.
Década - 1990 a 2000
Banda- Oasis, Lian, Gallagher, Noel, Gallegher
Música- Wonderwall
Grupo 1
Luís Fabiano, Bruno Camargo, Helena, Caroline, Alice, Vinícius, Brian, Eric, Pablo, Vitor, Patrick, Jonas .
Década- 60
Grupo 2
Lara, Diéssica, Eric
Grupo 3
Ingrid, Talia, Nícolas, Thamires, Jociele, Vitória, Franciele, Murilo
Banda- Avril Romana Lavigne e Los Hermanos
Música- When You're Gone
Grupo 4
Bianca, Bruno Camargo, Laiza, Gabrielli Cezar, Kevin
Grupo 1
Amanda, Maikon, Michael, Nathalia, Paulo Renato, Andriele Severo, Mikael, Jonathan Daniel
Grupo 2
Stéfani G. L., Eduarda N., Juliane M., Sara C., Ana Claudia, Fernanda, Cristian Ilha
Grupo 1
Amanda, Anne, Angela, Carol, Andrieli, Vânia, Sarah, Rafaela,
Amanda, Sara, Vânia - Década: 2000 a 2009
Grupo 2
Milene, Daniel, Luciano, Larissa, Matheus, Ezequiel, Rubem - Década: 50 a 59
Grupo 3
João, Ismael, Igor, Eduarda, Henrique, Denner, Lauren, Paola - Década: 70 a 79
This is the time to show your talent !!!!!!!!
Wait students - new work is coming . . .
Come on . . .
Be creative . . .
There is a bit of your life into the music
Music is in the air!
Have you ever met someone that doesn't like music? Who does not love music is not good guy, he's sick of his ear.
Students divide the class into groups of SEVEN or EIGHT people to perform the next work.
The teacher will draw the decades that each group will research: 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's.
Choose a band or singer's hit epoch drawn. Train song to be sung by the group during the presentation of the work. Explain the music's subject. The music should be sung in English.
Choose a famous band/singer of this year and recite a piece of music .
The group should wear clothes of the year that is drawn.
Think and answer
Do you like music?
Are you listening amy music right now?
What is your favorite music?
Do you have a favorite singer?
Which group you belong to: emo, punk, metal, etc?
O projeto interdisciplinar "Vivências em diferentes décadas", a ser realizado na Escola Estadual de Educação Básica Augusto Ruschi, durante o terceiro trimestre do ano letivo de 2013, nasceu da necessidade de conhecer, valorizar e difundir os diferentes gêneros musicais vinculados ao momento histórico, social, cultural e político dos países de fala Inglesa em comparação com o nosso país.Essas décadas iniciarão nos anos 50 até os anos atuais. Também é uma preocupação dos professores integrar conteúdos de forma significativa.
Trabalhar com este projeto, no âmbito da sala de aula, será um desafio, não somente para os alunos, como para todos os professores que irão interdisciplinar os conteúdos de suas respectivas disciplinas ao trabalho em pauta.
Os assuntos abordarão conhecimentos relacionados aos aspectos idiomáticos, geográficos,científicos, artísticos dentre outros, do Brasil em comparação com outros países. A leitura e interpretação das músicas farão o discente refletir sobre a língua Inglesa e sua língua materna, observando questões de todas as áreas do conhecimento.
O público alvo deste trabalho são alunos de 8ªs séries, ensino fundamental.
Observando o nosso meio escolar, percebemos que um grande número de alunos não possuem conhecimento suficiente para fazer uma seleção musical, optando geralmente por ritmos com apelo ao erotismo e a sensualidade. Também, a música torna-se um instrumento de aquisição de uma segunda língua.
Partindo destas observações e com a finalidade de apresentar ao corpo discente uma variedade de estilos musicais de diferentes épocas buscando sua interação com repertórios diversos, decidimos desenvolver um projeto interdisciplinar abordando diferentes hábitos culturais.
Este projeto piloto irá estudar os vários momentos através das décadas com estudo de diferentes ritmos musicais, pois a música, mais do que qualquer outra manifestação, manipula o som e organiza o tempo, além de ditar a moda e os comportamentos numa sociedade.
O trabalho com música é bastante enriquecedor, pois envolve nos alunos capacidades de ordem cognitiva, afetiva, física, ética, estética, perceptiva, atrelados a estas, os objetivos procedimentos atitudinais e conceituais, em todos os aspectos que serão trabalhados durante as aulas.
De acordo com esta diagnóstica, percebe-se que a música, além de ser um tema muito envolvente: através dela, pessoas expressam diferentes sentimentos como amor, amizade, solidão, tristeza, alegria. A música retrata também aspectos da sociedade numa determinada época que mudam conforme o lugar.
Oportunizar o aluno a vivenciar as diferentes décadas da história e sua diversidade cultural, desenvolvendo seu pensamento crítico em relação a década pesquisada pelo seu grupo. Utilizar as inovações metodológicas no ensino e introduzir uma educação inclusiva, onde o aluno toma conhecimento da relação entre as matérias e possa por em prática essas ligações entre elas.
Comparar os diversos estilos musicais de acordo com as seguintes décadas (anos): 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000, 2010, 213.
Demonstrar atitude de ouvinte atento, aprimorando seu sentido de percepção do idioma inglês.
Abordar as diferentes vertentes musicais nos períodos históricos até a contemporaneidade.
Resgatar fatos marcantes de cada década ( científico, político, social, compotamental, etc).
Ampliar seu repertório musical, conhecendo compositores e composições importantes das diferentes décadas.
Entrar em contato com um léxico diversificado, para uma melhor expressão no momento da fala e escrita.
Abordar a história e evolução do processo nacional e internacional.
Aperfeiçoar a capacidade de concentração, sensibilidade e memória; trazendo benefícios ao raciocínio.
Ler e interpretar para ter melhor compreensão do mundo.
Caracterizar-se de acordo com a roupa e maquiagem da década, como forma de retratar a sociedade daquela época.
Falar, em Inglês, o nome das vestes como forma de enriquecer o vocabulário.
Cantar uma música em língua Inglesa, observando pronúncia e entonação. Cantar uma música em Português da mesma década.
Localizar no mapa o país/região para melhor se situar e situar os outros.
Expressar-se fisicamente através de movimentos ritmados e coordenados.
Quantificar através de gráficos, porcentagens, comparações a qualidade de vida na década a ser pesquisada, buscando a moeda do país estrangeiro pertencente a banda ou cantor em comparação com o nosso país.
Produzir textos em Português, retratando diferentes épocas de sua vida.
Os professores de 8ªs séries orientarão os alunos no trabalho de pesquisa utilizando todos os recursos da escola.
Sensibilização e dinâmica sobre as décadas.
Levantamento de conhecimentos prévios sobre as décadas de um modo geral.
Pesquisas em jornais, revistas, TV, Internet, biblioteca e em outros meios.
Aulas expositivas, dialógicas, reflexivas, debates, discussões.
Pesquisas de danças, shows musicais.
Produções textuais.
Roupas que caracterizam a década
Computador e Internet
Cd, DVD, pen drive
Máquina fotográfica
A rádio da escola
Salão da escola
Sala de informática
Letras de músicas
Rádio gravador
Setembro - Divisão dos grupos, sorteio das décadas, apresentação da bibliografia, reuniões em grupos na sala de informática, na sala de aula e na biblioteca.
Outubro - Revisão do trabalho pelos professores e ensaio das apresentações.
11 de novembro- Início das apresentações na ordem cronológica. Os primeiros a se apresentarem serão da década de 50, após 60 e assim sucessivamente.
O trabalho terá o valor de 15 pontos, distribuídos da seguinte forma:
Durante o processo de pesquisa
1- Assiduidade (Comparecer aos encontros proporcionados pelo grupo)
2- Harmonia (Favorecer encontros com equilíbrio e concórdia de todos)
3- Posicionar-se (opinar e ouvir opiniões com respeito)
4- Uso de várias fontes (Elaborar a pesquisa fazendo uso de sites diversos, livros, revistas, etc)
5- Originalidade (Ser criativo, autêntico. Expressar-se usando palavras próprias
Durante a apresentação
1- Comprometimento com o grupo
2- Postura/ desenvoltura
3- Domínio do conteúdo
5- Organização
6- Estética (palco, figurino, maquiagem, etc)
The history of sound
You tube - história da moda.
Fashion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of best-selling music artists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Learn English - English Clothing Vocabulary
Roupas Em Inglês - Inglês Básico com Traduções Inglês Para ...
1º- Ouvir a música, completando
as lacunas.
What a Wonderful World, de Louis Armstrong: Letras e ... - Rádio UOL
What a Wonderful World
I see trees of …….., …….
roses too.
……. ………… them bloom for me and ……… .
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of …….. and clouds of
The bright blessed day, The dark
sacred night.
And I think to myself,
What a ……………………. world.
The colours of the rainbow so pretty in the sky.
Are also on the faces of people
going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying: "How do you do?".
2º- Procurar o antônimo da palavra “bright”.
3º- Assistir
ao clip David Attenborough - Wonderful World - BBC - YouTube e estabelecer a relação entre a letra da música e as imagens do videoclipe.
4º- Assistir ao trailer do filme “GOOD MORNING VIETNAM” Good
Morning Vietnam-Scene with song What A Wonderful World ... .
Pesquisar no site Good Morning, Vietnam – Wikipédia, a
enciclopédia livre pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Morning,_Vietnam.
Responder as seguintes perguntas: What is the time of the music? What was
happening at that time? The music is fanciful, an illusion. It demonstrates the
author's dreams in a time of war. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
Anos 70
Anos 90
segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013
Two men look out though the same bars:
One sees mud - and one sees stars.
(Frederick Langbridge)
1-The two men are:
a)in front of a prision.
b)behind bars
c)next bars.
d)beside bars.
2-They are both:
a)looking out
b)looking up
c)looking down.
3-The two men see:
a)mud b)stars c)different things.
4-They are both:
a) optimist b)pessimist c)prisoners c)good look
Do not forget
Borrow- pedir emprestado
Lend- emprestar
The candidate who never betrays
the most honest
The candidate who never betrays
the most honest

domingo, 9 de junho de 2013
A duck before two ducks. A duck brtween two ducks. A duck behind two ducks. How many ducks? ................................... ducks.
IT IS MY ...................................................................................
What has teeth but cannot bite? It is a .............................................
What has legs but cannot walk? It's a ..........................................

Games that introduce and practice vocabulary related to clothes.
Jogos que apresentam e praticam vocabulário de roupas.
IT IS MY ...................................................................................

Games that introduce and practice vocabulary related to clothes.
Jogos que apresentam e praticam vocabulário de roupas.
Read the strips and comment them

what a wonderful world!
20011019 |

Veja se tu também és 100% gaúcho e recebas meu forte abraço.
Falas guri e guria ao invés de menino e menina.
Vais na padaria e pede cacetinho, nunca, pão francês.
Chamas cavalo de pingo e cachorro de cusco.
Dizes que brigadeiro é negrinho.
Sempre encontras sagu ou ambrosia de sobremesa.
Copacabana é pra estrangeiro. Praia mesmo é Cassino.
Andas com a cuia na mão por tudo que é lugar, sorvendo um amargo em boa companhia.
Não vais ao mercado, vais ao súper.
Tens a bandeira do RS na traseira do carro.
Dás aquela lagarteada no sol, comendo "berga".
Enches a boca pra falar "mas que barbaridade".
Defendes o Rio Grande em qualquer lugar do mundo.
Um abraço a todos os gaúchos e gaúchas de todas as querências.
Qual gaúcho que nunca fez estas coisas?
Gaúcho que é gaúcho reconhece suas tradições e mostra para o mundo todo quais são elas.
Carrega a bandeira do Rio Grande no peito.
João Paulo
Gaúcho que é gaúcho reconhece suas tradições e mostra para o mundo todo quais são elas.
Carrega a bandeira do Rio Grande no peito.
João Paulo
Bá! Guri, interessante esse texto, só me falta o chimarão e a pilcha.
olha,esse texto disse tudo.
Quem não é acostumado com nosso sutaque,muitas vezes,acha que somos uns grossos,uns estúpidos,e assim vai...
Mas é o nosso geito de ser,nosso geito de viver!
E tenho orgulho de dizer:eu sou gaúcho,e com muito orgulho!
Quem não é acostumado com nosso sutaque,muitas vezes,acha que somos uns grossos,uns estúpidos,e assim vai...
Mas é o nosso geito de ser,nosso geito de viver!
E tenho orgulho de dizer:eu sou gaúcho,e com muito orgulho!
We are from Augusto Ruschi school, Santa Marta neighborhood, and we are very happy to share this blogger with you.We're in the seventh grade of elementary school. Our school is a state school.
Each of us has different ways to express themselves and the word is the longest bridge of communication with the world. Hopefully, with their texts, you can act and interact with others, argue, inform the world about it. Report your experiences and feelings private, impart knowledge and tell stories. Make your interloctor read for pleasure, imagine, dream, have fun, get emotional.
Getting the habit of the reading, reflecting, expanding horizons,
being subject to their own actions is very important for all students.
A hug,
We are learning to write and speak the English language so excuse the errors
Translate a text, using words and phrases: Seasons /
spring / garden / flower / flower / scent / aroma / fragrance / violet /
Lily / sunflower / harpsichord / Sunflower / Tulip / Daisy / Pink / Petal / colors / rainbow / sun / brightness / flight / fly / bird / butterfly
/ chanting / singing ...
Classes 71, 72, 73, 74, 75

Spring is flowered
With colorful flowers
With many daisies
Roses and orchids
Forming our lives.


In the spring, my school is full of flowers. It has raised with various types of flowers. Students help to take care the school´s garden. We take care fondly because nature must be preserved.
Spring has arrived,
There is spring in every life now
you need to sing it like a bird,
for if God gave us voice, was to sing!
And if one day I will be dust,
The Spring.
For us, spring is the most beautiful seasons.
It is the season of flowers, colors and sunshine. For some it is the season of love, the beginning.
Spring is the season that retrieves the brightness and life that winter led. But it is also a sign that the year is coming to an end, that soon will come in the summer heat.
Everything seems perfect this season. At dawn the sunlight enters through the crack of the window so serene and invites us to live an adventure during the day the singing of birds and the beautiful butterflies floating light charm over time, at dusk the rain that falls quiet night the moonlight comes to embrace us remember that tomorrow a new day will dawn of spring.
Spring, one that is beautiful, time of start, the season of flowers, colors and love the brightness and life.
Spring is coming ...
Spring is one of the four seasons. It occurs after winter and before summer. when spring comes everything is more colorfulbutterflies in the sky blue colors have more flowers in the home garden
It is a time when the bloom occurs in many plant species, merry children played, long afternoons, birds flew along the butterfliesmake the sky more beautiful, families will spend Sunday afternoons beautiful parks and plazas feeling the aroma of flowers
Alunas:Talia Schultz , Thamires Casales
About spring
Santa Maria in October is too cold and sometimes hot. It has many flowers, trees, fruits, butterflies and beautiful birds.
Brian and Eric
Nome:Luana santos Turma:73 Spring Came There is a spring in every life: you have to sing it well florida, for if God gave us voice, was to sing! And if one day I will be dust, ash, and nothing that is my night a dawn, I know I'll lose ... to .... The powerful can kill one, two or three roses, but never be able to hold the entire spring.If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we do not try out sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.One can not say for spring? 'hopefully come soon enough and lasts'. One can only say: Come, bless me with your hope, and stay as long as you can. Reap the joy of spring flowers and toys happy while you can. There will always be days when winter will arrive and you will not have the scent of flowers, nor sun, nor the vividness of colors,Spring will come, even if nobody else knows your name, or believe in the calendar, or has no garden to receive it.
Do not miss, warm news! News flash! I bring good news to all!
Today, she arrived at midnight! Landed in the gardens! Open your eyes to see it! After all, it's September! She arrived after cloudy and cold.
Observe the colorful gardens, the joyful singing of the birds! You will not miss to enjoy the new season
Come soon! Join us! Let us enjoy every detail, because spring is here.
Analyze text
The parse the text, do not forget to look at the source (magazine, newspaper, etc..). Also note the date of their creation and author.

care of your planet's water level Look, lame!
Who wastes low water level ... reservoirs and respect for others.
Binds! Do not take long shower or use the toilet as a trash can.
Water: Use good is easy, it's hard to be without.
If you're alone, look at the sky and see that each star is alone, but even so, it ceases to shine.
The combination but introduces an idea contrary to the above, but could be replaced by, but nevertheless however.
When ...
He is young, has no experience.
He's old, is outdated.
Has no car, is a pity.
Has car, cries of "full stomach".
Speaks in voice, screaming high living.
Speak in a normal tone, no one listens.
Not missing classes, is a "Caxias".
Need missing is "tourist".
Talk with other teachers, students are working out.
No conversation is off.
Gives much matter, has no pity students.
Gives little matter, does not prepare the students.
Plays with the class, is the cocky funny.
Do not play with the class is boring.
Draws attention, is thick.
No catches attention, does not know whether to impose.
The test is long, there's no time.
The proof is short, take off the chances of students.
Writes a lot, not explain.
Explains a lot, the notebook has nothing.
Properly speaking, no one understands.
Speak the "language" of the student has no vocabulary.
Calls, is rude.
Lauds is debauched.
The student fails, that's persecution.
The student is approved, "gave mole".
Yes, the teacher is always wrong,
but if you managed to read this far,
thank him!
Hello, dear students! Each of us has different ways to express the word is the longest bridge of communication with the world. I hope that with your texts, you can act and interact with others, argue, inform about the world around him. Report their experiences and feelings private, impart knowledge and tell stories. Make your interloctor read for pleasure, to imagine, to dream, to have fun, get emotional. A hug,
win without risk is to triumph without glory

Happiness is being able to eat a carrot

How many times we, in pursuit of happiness,
Proceeds just like the granddaddy unhappy:
In vain, everywhere, looking glasses
Having the tip of the nose "
You must leave a space in your mind to new ideas come.

The Time
LIFE is a duty that we brought to make at home.
When you see are about six hours!
When seeing, it's Friday!
When you see, it's Christmas ...
When you see, has ended the year ...
When you see we lost the LOVE of our life.
When you see passed 50 years!
Now it's too late to be disapproved ...
If I were given a day, another opportunity, I did not look at the clock.
Follow straight on the road playing and would bark and golden hours of pointless ...
Hold the love that is in front of me and say that I love ...
What's more, be sure to do something like that due to lack of time.
Be sure to have people on your side of sheer fear of being HAPPY.
The ONLY fault that this will be the time that, unfortunately, will never return.
"The true illiterates are those who learn to read and do not read."
"The book has the advantage that we can be alone and yet together."
"We have to read as one breathes."
(Mário Quintana)
Do not open it with your friend
He has another friend.
And the friend of your friend
Has friends too.
(Mário Quintana)
Reading is dreaming by the hand of another. Read bad and high is to free ourselves from the hand that leads us. The shallowness of the scholarship is the best way to read well and be thorough. (Fernando Pessoa)
"Reading enlarges the soul." (Voltaire)
The reading process enables this wonderful operation that is the meeting of what is inside the book with what is stored in our head. (Ruth Rocha)
"Only those who know the magic of reading can tell you know actually read, say that because you read just for learning is like eating just to stay alive."
"Reading is a therapy that massaging the brain"
"Reading is a way to feel love and complicity, is lost in time, is to leave the real world and enter the world of letters."
"Reading is navigating uncharted seas"
Reading makes people more human. "
"Many men began a new era in his life from the reading of a book" (Henry Thoreau)
"There is a special place where I can escape and find peace, magic, dream. Place that can cry laughing, enchant me. Want to know where is this place?'s Book"
"We can not remain indifferent to the letters contained in a book, much less the mysteries that lurk in every sentence."
Reading is an endless source of pleasure, but, oddly enough, almost all, this does not feel thirsty. (Carlos Drummond de Andrade)
"I discovered that reading is a form of servile dream. If I have to dream, why not dream my own dreams?" (Fernando Pessoa)
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
(Joseph Addison)
Think and answer: What is read to you?
"Reading is a therapy that massaging the brain
READ ...
Luis Fernando Verissimo
Reading is the best medicine.
Read the newspaper ...
Read outdoor ...
Read signs of the train station ...
Read supermarket prices ...
Read someone!
Reading is the greatest comedy!
Read label jeans ...
Read comics ...
Read bar contained ...
Read the label of the medicine ...
Read page last year lost in the corner of the sink winding chuchus ...
Read life!
Read your eyes, read hands. The lips and the wishes of the people ...
Read the interaction that occurs or not between physics, geography, IT, job, misery and boredom ...
Read the impossibilities ...
Read more hopes ...
Read what gives you the tile ...
but ... read, and the ideas will come!
Reading is the best habit you can have for you, reading you learn to communicate better, speak better, write better, plus you still get more culture, becomes a better person and more cultured.
Luís Carlos Filipe and Fabricio Class: 71
Choose one of the thoughts below and describe it.
"If things are made to be used and the people to be loved, why do we love things and use people."
"I know that my work is a drop in the ocean, but without it, the ocean would be less"
"We sometimes feel that what we do is only a drop in the sea. But the ocean would be less because you missed a drop."
. "
"All our words will be useless if not springing from the heart. Words which do not give rise to light the darkness."
"It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not always easy to love those who live next to us." (Mother Teresa)
"The smile enriches recipients without impoverishing donors."
"Democracy is to give everyone the same starting point, as the point of arrival, it depends on each one."
Mario Quintana
Anyone attempting to possess a flower, see its beauty fading. But those who only look at a flower in a
field, will stay with her forever. If you do not
wake up early, never get to see the sunrise. "
(Paulo Coelho)
A friend is one who knows you are, understand where you have been, accepts who you have become and still gently invites you to grow.
"Life does not give or lend, not moved or pities.
Everything she does is return and transfer what we offer. "
(Albert Einstein)
My children have computers, yes, but rather will have books. No books, no reading, our children will be unable to write - including its own history.
Bill Gates
"Nothing can give you that no longer exist in yourself. Could not open her another world of images, beyond that which is in your own soul. Nothing can give you unless the opportunity, the impulse, the key. I help you to make visible your own world, and that's all. " (Hermann Hesse)
"A book is like a window: who does not read is distant and can only see a small part of the landscape." Kahlil Gibran
"God gives us life, but we are guarantee the quality of our lives."
" who expects everything and for the chance to see one that is not stopped so far that can never reach it."
"Who travels with grudges cursing walk, can not see how many spring flowers by the roadside."
"I have everything I want, but I love everything I have."
"The wisdom of life consists not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does."
"Go to fight with determination, without losing the class, win with boldness: the triumph remains to those who dare and life is much to be negligible."
"How could see the next one is busy only of myself, how could understand fear, sadness, loneliness, hope, love, even if I did not feel my fear, my sadness, loneliness, hope, or love?"
"Tolerance, respect, ethics, knowledge, good humor and friendliness are bases for building effective relationships."
"Achieving success by their own merits. Victorious those who do so. Greatness does not consist in receiving honors, but in deserving them. Study the roots are bitter, but its fruit is sweet." (Aristotle)
"I am a lifelong learner in the school of life"
"Only one gains wisdom through study."
"No matter how slowly you go as long as do not stop." (Confucius)
"The powerful can kill one, two or three roses, but they will never stop the entire spring." (Che Guevara)
"My freedom is to write. A word is my grip on the world." (Clarice Lispector)
"Only magnify our right to life, fulfilling our duty as citizens of the world." (Gandhi)
"Turn your face always toward the sun, and then the shadows will fall behind."
"Sometimes what you're looking for comes when you're not looking at all."
Time is something that does not go back, so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
(William Shakespeare)
"We can not
same, never, no way,
love is more or less
dreaming is more or less
friend is to be more or less
dating is more or less
faith is more or less
and believe more or less.
Otherwise we run the risk of becoming
a more or less "Chico Xavier)
Someday agent learns and discovers that it takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it, and you can do things in an instant, which will regret for the rest of my life ... (William Shakespeare)
Gratitude is the only treasure of the humble.
"Life is wonderful, even when painful. I wish that in the rush of the current time we could afford, creating a small island of contemplation, self-contemplation where you could see all the best things, more generosity, more optimism, more respect, more silent, more pleasure, more sense of their own dignity, regardless of age, money, color, position, belief. Regardless of anything. "
(Lya Luft)
"To live is to recognize what it's worth, despite all the challenges, misunderstandings and crisis periods.
Live is even being surrounded by deserts, finding an oasis in the depths of his soul. "
You have the maturity to say "I messed up."
You have the audacity to say "forgive me."
It is when the wrong way, have the humility to recognize and redo it. "
You can tell from the heart "tell me."

If more people come out to watch the stars at night, I bet they would see the world differently.
Give your definition of each of these abstract nouns.
"Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause."
"The business card of healthy people." It is a star in the darkness. "
"The sun feeds the flowers, smile humanity."
"It's the best song in the score of life. Without it, you will be a timeless tune."
"It is the bridge that connects the two banks of I to you."
"It is the most attractive flower garden well cultivated a heart."
"Goodness is the only investment that never goes" bankrupt. "
"Just as the sun melts the ice, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate."
"It is gratifying perfume, fruit of accomplishment."
"Joy is vital and prolongs life."
"You do not lose hope, even though many tears spring up."
"It's being content with yourself." It is the best pillow for restful sleep. "
"It is to be calm in the heart"
"Seek not outside yourself faith, it is within you, in your strength interior.É inner compass that guides our lives."
"It's good wind pushing the sails of our boat." It is daydreaming.
"Fear imprisons, hope liberates."
"It's optimism in the face of difficulties."
The real hope is a quality, heroic determination of the soul. And the highest form of hope is despair overcome.
"It's the opposite of indifference, carelessness.'s More than an act, it is an attitude. Represents an attitude of occupation, concern, responsibility and involvement."
Google Tradutor para empresas:Google Translator ToolkitTradutor de sitesGlobal Market Finder
Questions shaped puzzles are challenging, makes you think and have fun. Part of popular culture and the Brazilian folklore. Train your reasoning answering the riddles below.
1-If someone was born in Russia, grew up in Africa, he moved to America and died in Japan, what is it?
2-It can be a good companion, a good friend and also tell me the lesson.
Write about your city

My city is named santa, Santa Maria. Protected by its hills, grew up, studied, met my friends. Due to its location and host students from around the country, is called the heart of Rio Grande do Sul This is a city blessed and warm, but unfortunately, can not count on the respect of some of its neighbors that have been well received . It is a shame that this population contributes to victimize and soiling my city.
Enlist with me and we will create an awareness and education more respect towards the city that is mine and yours.
Prof. Elaine
Wake up, Maria! Lifts the covers of white mist. The day will be beautiful. Stretches your body, the slopes of the mountain to the Pitch Green, the New Camobi to Santa Marta. Put a smile on Boca do Monte. It's your birthday! It's a holiday. Your children do not have class. Rests just for today, this vocation stubborn to educate them. The leafy and evergreen tree planted by your son for Mariano not blooming. And gushed over other trees and other knowledge. I know! I know that these fruits are not available to all your children, but your your maternal instinct does not differentiate between them. And your heart receives many, many foster children ... ages as well as the legend of Imembuí, remember? Maria has not even eras. Ibitory ages. And not lost the joy. ... "(Ludwig Larré)
Each of us has different ways to express themselves and the word is the longest bridge of communication with the world. Hopefully, with their texts, you can act and interact with others, argue, inform the world about it. Report your experiences and feelings private, impart knowledge and tell stories. Make your interloctor read for pleasure, imagine, dream, have fun, get emotional.
Getting the habit of the reading, reflecting, expanding horizons,
being subject to their own actions is very important for all students.
A hug,
We are learning to write and speak the English language so excuse the errors
Translate a text, using words and phrases: Seasons /
spring / garden / flower / flower / scent / aroma / fragrance / violet /
Lily / sunflower / harpsichord / Sunflower / Tulip / Daisy / Pink / Petal / colors / rainbow / sun / brightness / flight / fly / bird / butterfly
/ chanting / singing ...
Classes 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Spring is flowered
With colorful flowers
With many daisies
Roses and orchids
Forming our lives.
The symbol of my school is the hummingbird. This is also the symbol of spring. Mr. Augusto Ruschi studied the hummingbirds so it, the hummingbird is the figure that identifies my school. Mr. Augusto Ruschi was a biologist.
In the spring, my school is full of flowers. It has raised with various types of flowers. Students help to take care the school´s garden. We take care fondly because nature must be preserved.
Spring has arrived,
Cousin of flowers,
and all dressed up again to receive.
And all the world are so happy! ...
smiled for the birds
and filled with flowers.
smiled for the fields
and filled with green.
smiled at the boys
and filled them with joy.
And the boys
dressed marigold,
flew with butterflies,
and the nightingales sang with
together, hand in hand,
led to Spring
all the world
There is spring in every life now
you need to sing it like a bird,
for if God gave us voice, was to sing!
And if one day I will be dust,
Ash, and nothing that is my night a dawn,
I know perder.para find me ..
if I find that charming
if I find that charming
seje god we touxe all seasons of the year.
Students: Milene AND LARISSA
class 75
Students: Milene AND LARISSA
class 75
When Comes the Spring
when it comes to spring
If I'm dead,
The flowers flourish in the same manner
And the trees will not be less green than last spring.
Reality does not need me.
I feel a great joy
To think that my death is of no importance
If you knew you would die tomorrow
And the spring was the day after tomorrow
I would die happy because it was the day after tomorrow.
If this is your time, when she had only come in time?
I like that everything is real and everything is right;
And because it would be like, even though I did not like.
So if you die now, I die happy,
Because everything is real and everything is right.
Latin can pray over my coffin, if you will.
If they want, they can dance and sing to his wheel.
I have no preferences for when we can not have preferences.
Whatever, whenever, that is what it is
Spring is the season when flowers make the environment more pleasant and also the garden more flowery. And the time when all the flowers like rose, daisy,carnation flower , orchid, viole tbloom if the gardener takes care of the garden, with the help of birds, butterflies, hummingbirds, fireflies and night, do their mission.
Spring, in my opinion, is the most beautiful season of the year!
It is the time that flowers aflorecem, that fruits are born, that the gardens and woods, make an air
and scented.
It's a very happy season, the days have a very blue sky and a sunset, beautiful sunshine!
The afternoons are sunny and hot to take for walks or even go to school in the morning or afternoon.
Anyway, spring is my favorite season because of all these things!
Spring is beautiful, with many gardens of colorful flowers and fragrant, like a rainbow, surrounded by butterflies and fireflies at dusk too.
Is beautiful afternoon, sunny than when it is taken by hummingbirds, swallows ... birds of all types. Daisies and Roses, carnations and orchids, each more beautiful.
Soon after a quick shower, then a beautiful sunset, a beautiful rainbow takes over the sky, delighting people with its gorgeous colors.
Is beautiful afternoon, sunny than when it is taken by hummingbirds, swallows ... birds of all types. Daisies and Roses, carnations and orchids, each more beautiful.
Soon after a quick shower, then a beautiful sunset, a beautiful rainbow takes over the sky, delighting people with its gorgeous colors.
Juliê and Emanueli
Class: 74
The summers come and go and bloom orchids, carnations and roses also more that was more beautiful was the daisy yellow with green kernels.
Morning flower gardens butterflies around the flowers, spring is colored red is roses and pink is the house that was in a tree house was a passaro.
E with the reflection of the sun Nacia arch-ires swallow sang with the pleasant climate gardener would prune the flowers in the morning, evening and only the lights of fireflies.
Spring is a beautiful season too. The flowers coloring the landscape. The birds fly freely through the air. And this time of year everyone is delighted. And this season the flowers sprout and become more beautiful is good to walk with her friends, family . ... And it is the best season
Students: Lauren Luiza and Maria Eduarda
The Spring
The spring
Incantation Spring
Brotinhos made in late spring
Just sighs: Love is a virus ...
Only the general bronze brass continues!
The wind disrespects all traffic signs.
Velhinhos bow tie
Rise and fall like gyroplanes.
The traffic cop turned weathervane.
The women are of all colors as these
exposed mannequins in shop windows,
And where are they, tell me, your hopes
Off they go - so beautiful - dressed in green
How Ofelias carried out in the rivers
While I did not dare to look up:
repairs are not
The Holy Spirit coming down in slow flight
And to him, until he should be so - all IRIS
As children's eyes, as the wonderful
Nome : Henrique e Vânia
Turma : 75
The spring
Springtime for us South is very wonderful because it's the most beautiful time of the year because the flowers are increasinglyflorid, and the environment becomes more beautiful. Everything becomes more beautiful in the spring because the flowers givevivid life to everything around you, spring is a pleasant season, the gardens are colorful flowers, the swallows come and, when it gets cold, they go by March fora.Nascem many good fruits to our diet and the sun makes everything more cheerful.
Nomes: Etiele e Douglas Turma: 75
Springtime for us South is very wonderful because it's the most beautiful time of the year because the flowers are increasinglyflorid, and the environment becomes more beautiful. Everything becomes more beautiful in the spring because the flowers givevivid life to everything around you, spring is a pleasant season, the gardens are colorful flowers, the swallows come and, when it gets cold, they go by March fora.Nascem many good fruits to our diet and the sun makes everything more cheerful.
Nomes: Etiele e Douglas Turma: 75
Spring is in my city
Spring flower season
Adorns the fields that are in party
Where multicolored butterflies
Pareccem flowers of many colors.
Birds sing merrily
And the hummingbird flower in bloom
Announces Spring
Station Jolly love.
I see the sun shine majestic
In the blue sky and nature.
And thank God eufeliz
The creator of such beauty.
Where multicolored butterflies
Pareccem flowers of many colors.
Birds sing merrily
And the hummingbird flower in bloom
Announces Spring
Station Jolly love.
I see the sun shine majestic
In the blue sky and nature.
And thank God eufeliz
The creator of such beauty.
Núbia and Gian - Class 75
Spring is a
The Spring.
For us, spring is the most beautiful seasons.
It is the season of flowers, colors and sunshine. For some it is the season of love, the beginning.
Spring is the season that retrieves the brightness and life that winter led. But it is also a sign that the year is coming to an end, that soon will come in the summer heat.
Everything seems perfect this season. At dawn the sunlight enters through the crack of the window so serene and invites us to live an adventure during the day the singing of birds and the beautiful butterflies floating light charm over time, at dusk the rain that falls quiet night the moonlight comes to embrace us remember that tomorrow a new day will dawn of spring.
Spring, one that is beautiful, time of start, the season of flowers, colors and love the brightness and life.
Spring is coming ...
Spring is one of the four seasons. It occurs after winter and before summer. when spring comes everything is more colorfulbutterflies in the sky blue colors have more flowers in the home garden
It is a time when the bloom occurs in many plant species, merry children played, long afternoons, birds flew along the butterfliesmake the sky more beautiful, families will spend Sunday afternoons beautiful parks and plazas feeling the aroma of flowers
Alunas:Talia Schultz , Thamires Casales
About spring
Spring is the fourth season of the year for us is the best season.
In spring
Spring in Santa Maria
At school I study has many flowers and trees. It has many colors of flowers, giant trees and very beautiful.
When it is hot all the world comes from shorts. Short-sleeved shirts with the fan at maximum to take the heat from our bodies.
When this cold, the fan is off and everyone wanting to close the windows. Some comes from short shirt.
All is well bundled up to ward off the cold. In the cold is a silence that only God knows, more in the summer and a scream ...
after recess everybody gets bored wanting to leave.
Brian and Eric
The spring
Spring is one of the most beautiful season of the year is September.
Spring is the day that the flowers are born with colors inesplicavel, the day becomes more beautiful, with a beautiful sunset, withlittle heat, with very blue sky, the trees are born beautiful fruits, with the birds singing, butterflies flying, is also a season of joy, so much love.
People also come to make more trips with their families, the schedule changes, people become happier and more things to do day to day.
Spring is good because the night we can ride a bike with your family, we can have more fun with your family and friends, we stay late drinking mate and putting together a chat.
Spring is the day that the flowers are born with colors inesplicavel, the day becomes more beautiful, with a beautiful sunset, withlittle heat, with very blue sky, the trees are born beautiful fruits, with the birds singing, butterflies flying, is also a season of joy, so much love.
People also come to make more trips with their families, the schedule changes, people become happier and more things to do day to day.
Spring is good because the night we can ride a bike with your family, we can have more fun with your family and friends, we stay late drinking mate and putting together a chat.
In my city, the IPES become filled with flowers. Spring is a beautiful season.
Nome:Ingrid e Diessica
nome: Katiele Foggiato turma: 73
Spring is bella
Just as in early spring all sheets have the same color and almost the same way, we also in our early childhood, are all similar and therefore perfectly harmonized. The secret of these flowers is that just closed on the first day of spring open if they give to the world.
Let us be reborn as spring more beautiful every day ... Just because they are never the same flowers.
Nome:Luana santos Turma:73 Spring Came There is a spring in every life: you have to sing it well florida, for if God gave us voice, was to sing! And if one day I will be dust, ash, and nothing that is my night a dawn, I know I'll lose ... to .... The powerful can kill one, two or three roses, but never be able to hold the entire spring.If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we do not try out sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.One can not say for spring? 'hopefully come soon enough and lasts'. One can only say: Come, bless me with your hope, and stay as long as you can. Reap the joy of spring flowers and toys happy while you can. There will always be days when winter will arrive and you will not have the scent of flowers, nor sun, nor the vividness of colors,Spring will come, even if nobody else knows your name, or believe in the calendar, or has no garden to receive it.
Spring is a season that begins on March 21 and ends on June 21.
This time of year the fields are more colorful and lush green, the flowers are born because of the field, which are spontaneousrejoicing Nature.
In spring the trees begin to have more leaves, so give us more oxygen and also start to blossom.
The birds, returning to Portugal, for example: storks, swallows and doves make their nests cute and comfortable to receive theirpuppies.
The weather begins to warm in spring and animals that hibernate agree, such as snakes, hedgehogs, lizards, turtles and thefrogs.
Farmers estrumam, fresam, plow, sow, fertilize, irrigate and sacham fields for sowing born lush. In spring sown: potatoes, maize,beans, lettuce, cabbage, onions, carrots, peas, beans ...
This time of year people wear clothes fresher, clearer and lighter because the days are hotter and larger, so the boys can alsoplay for longer on the street. T:73 Nome:Douglas.Silva; Jonatham.

Spring: in this time we sleep and dream like a beautiful flowers

When birds sing the Spring begining
Sweet fragrance
Black winter go away
Shine out Sun, with all your heat
Spring the most beautiful season
Flowers blooming!
Wishes have your beautiful smile!
Roses, flowers and buds
Fairy tales... the sun, every day!
Spring, the symbol of joy!
Hummingbird drinks the nectar
The love´s nectar
: Amanda Vaz e Nathália De Ávila Turma: 73
Spring is a season that begins on March 21 and ends on June 21.
This time of year the fields are more colorful and lush green, the flowers are born because of the field, which are spontaneousrejoicing Nature.
In spring the trees begin to have more leaves, so give us more oxygen and also start to blossom.
The birds, returning to Portugal, for example: storks, swallows and doves make their nests cute and comfortable to receive theirpuppies.
The weather begins to warm in spring and animals that hibernate agree, such as snakes, hedgehogs, lizards, turtles and thefrogs.
Farmers estrumam, fresam, plow, sow, fertilize, irrigate and sacham fields for sowing born lush. In spring sown: potatoes, maize,beans, lettuce, cabbage, onions, carrots, peas, beans ...
This time of year people wear clothes fresher, clearer and lighter because the days are hotter and larger, so the boys can alsoplay for longer on the street. T:73 Nome:Douglas.Silva; Jonatham.
nome:Luana Santos Dos Santos Turma:73
Spring Came
There is a spring in every life: you have to sing it well florida, for if God gave us voice, was to sing! And if one day I will be dust, ash, and nothing that is my night a dawn, I know I'll lose
The powerful can kill one, two or three roses, but never be able to hold the entire spring. If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we do not try out sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. One can not say for spring? 'hopefully come soon enough and lasts'.
One can only say: Come, bless me with your hope, and stay as long as you can.
Reap the joy of spring flowers and toys happy while you can. There will always be days when winter will arrive and you will not have the scent of flowers, nor sun, nor the vividness of colors,Spring will come, even if nobody else knows your name, or believe in the calendar, or has no garden to receive it.
There is a spring in every life: you have to sing it well florida, for if God gave us voice, was to sing! And if one day I will be dust, ash, and nothing that is my night a dawn, I know I'll lose
The powerful can kill one, two or three roses, but never be able to hold the entire spring. If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we do not try out sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. One can not say for spring? 'hopefully come soon enough and lasts'.
One can only say: Come, bless me with your hope, and stay as long as you can.
Reap the joy of spring flowers and toys happy while you can. There will always be days when winter will arrive and you will not have the scent of flowers, nor sun, nor the vividness of colors,Spring will come, even if nobody else knows your name, or believe in the calendar, or has no garden to receive it.
Spring: in this time we sleep and dream like a beautiful flowers
When birds sing the Spring begining
Sweet fragrance
Black winter go away
Shine out Sun, with all your heat
Spring the most beautiful season
Reap the joy of spring flowers and toys happy while you can. There will always be days when winter will arrive and you will not have the scent of flowers, nor sun, nor the vibrancy of spring cores.A is the longest days the nights shorter squares rodiadas flower leaves over the squares with joy of having that decioso scent of flowers in the winter we do not have that perfume that you will find in the spring.
Just as in life ce each year that reaches primevera!! alive the arrival of spring!!!
Just as in life ce each year that reaches primevera!! alive the arrival of spring!!!
Ana Rutiele t:73
The spring
I just want five things ..
First love is endless
The second is to see the fall
The third is the severe winter
Fourth summer
The fifth thing is your eyes
I do not want to sleep without your eyes.
Do not wanna be ... without me look.
I give up for spring continues watching me
The spring
I just want five things ..
First love is endless
The second is to see the fall
The third is the severe winter
Fourth summer
The fifth thing is your eyes
I do not want to sleep without your eyes.
Do not wanna be ... without me look.
I give up for spring continues watching me
Larissa Freitas Cavalheiro t:73
Today, she arrived at midnight! Landed in the gardens! Open your eyes to see it! After all, it's September! She arrived after cloudy and cold.
Observe the colorful gardens, the joyful singing of the birds! You will not miss to enjoy the new season
Come soon! Join us! Let us enjoy every detail, because spring is here.
Analyze text
The parse the text, do not forget to look at the source (magazine, newspaper, etc..). Also note the date of their creation and author.
care of your planet's water level Look, lame!
Who wastes low water level ... reservoirs and respect for others.
Binds! Do not take long shower or use the toilet as a trash can.
Water: Use good is easy, it's hard to be without.
The combination but introduces an idea contrary to the above, but could be replaced by, but nevertheless however.
When ...
He is young, has no experience.
He's old, is outdated.
Has no car, is a pity.
Has car, cries of "full stomach".
Speaks in voice, screaming high living.
Speak in a normal tone, no one listens.
Not missing classes, is a "Caxias".
Need missing is "tourist".
Talk with other teachers, students are working out.
No conversation is off.
Gives much matter, has no pity students.
Gives little matter, does not prepare the students.
Plays with the class, is the cocky funny.
Do not play with the class is boring.
Draws attention, is thick.
No catches attention, does not know whether to impose.
The test is long, there's no time.
The proof is short, take off the chances of students.
Writes a lot, not explain.
Explains a lot, the notebook has nothing.
Properly speaking, no one understands.
Speak the "language" of the student has no vocabulary.
Calls, is rude.
Lauds is debauched.
The student fails, that's persecution.
The student is approved, "gave mole".
Yes, the teacher is always wrong,
but if you managed to read this far,
thank him!
Hello, dear students! Each of us has different ways to express the word is the longest bridge of communication with the world. I hope that with your texts, you can act and interact with others, argue, inform about the world around him. Report their experiences and feelings private, impart knowledge and tell stories. Make your interloctor read for pleasure, to imagine, to dream, to have fun, get emotional. A hug,
I have to believe in myself.
Overcome my fears.
Have the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
Courage to change the things I can,
Discernment to distinguish them.
Cause I do not be anxious
And living one day at a time
I hope to keep my mind at peace
And the difficulties that serve as stepping stones to my growth.
I want to plant in my heart the love
Transforming my fellow rivals
My fellow friends in
And my friends loved ones
Do not let me be a defeatist before the strong
And not a cocky before weak
I want to rid myself of the desire for revenge
And get to know the flavor forgive
I wish that my work is not in vain
And I can manage my life with wisdom
And the lives of those entrusted to me
(Pr ª Elaine)
1-We must believe in ourselves, our potential, just so we have the strength to overcome the difficulties that life presents. We are not alone in this world we need each other.
Write a paragraph reflecting on each phrase of the prayer.
win without risk is to triumph without glory
Happiness is being able to eat a carrot
How many times we, in pursuit of happiness,
Proceeds just like the granddaddy unhappy:
In vain, everywhere, looking glasses
Having the tip of the nose "
You must leave a space in your mind to new ideas come.
The Time
LIFE is a duty that we brought to make at home.
When you see are about six hours!
When seeing, it's Friday!
When you see, it's Christmas ...
When you see, has ended the year ...
When you see we lost the LOVE of our life.
When you see passed 50 years!
Now it's too late to be disapproved ...
If I were given a day, another opportunity, I did not look at the clock.
Follow straight on the road playing and would bark and golden hours of pointless ...
Hold the love that is in front of me and say that I love ...
What's more, be sure to do something like that due to lack of time.
Be sure to have people on your side of sheer fear of being HAPPY.
The ONLY fault that this will be the time that, unfortunately, will never return.
"The true illiterates are those who learn to read and do not read."
"The book has the advantage that we can be alone and yet together."
"We have to read as one breathes."
(Mário Quintana)
Do not open it with your friend
He has another friend.
And the friend of your friend
Has friends too.
(Mário Quintana)
Reading is dreaming by the hand of another. Read bad and high is to free ourselves from the hand that leads us. The shallowness of the scholarship is the best way to read well and be thorough. (Fernando Pessoa)
"Reading enlarges the soul." (Voltaire)
The reading process enables this wonderful operation that is the meeting of what is inside the book with what is stored in our head. (Ruth Rocha)
"Only those who know the magic of reading can tell you know actually read, say that because you read just for learning is like eating just to stay alive."
"Reading is a therapy that massaging the brain"
"Reading is a way to feel love and complicity, is lost in time, is to leave the real world and enter the world of letters."
"Reading is navigating uncharted seas"
Reading makes people more human. "
"Many men began a new era in his life from the reading of a book" (Henry Thoreau)
"There is a special place where I can escape and find peace, magic, dream. Place that can cry laughing, enchant me. Want to know where is this place?'s Book"
"We can not remain indifferent to the letters contained in a book, much less the mysteries that lurk in every sentence."
Reading is an endless source of pleasure, but, oddly enough, almost all, this does not feel thirsty. (Carlos Drummond de Andrade)
"I discovered that reading is a form of servile dream. If I have to dream, why not dream my own dreams?" (Fernando Pessoa)
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
(Joseph Addison)
Think and answer: What is read to you?
"Reading is a therapy that massaging the brain
READ ...
Luis Fernando Verissimo
Reading is the best medicine.
Read the newspaper ...
Read outdoor ...
Read signs of the train station ...
Read supermarket prices ...
Read someone!
Reading is the greatest comedy!
Read label jeans ...
Read comics ...
Read bar contained ...
Read the label of the medicine ...
Read page last year lost in the corner of the sink winding chuchus ...
Read life!
Read your eyes, read hands. The lips and the wishes of the people ...
Read the interaction that occurs or not between physics, geography, IT, job, misery and boredom ...
Read the impossibilities ...
Read more hopes ...
Read what gives you the tile ...
but ... read, and the ideas will come!
Reading is the best habit you can have for you, reading you learn to communicate better, speak better, write better, plus you still get more culture, becomes a better person and more cultured.
Luís Carlos Filipe and Fabricio Class: 71
Choose one of the thoughts below and describe it.
"If things are made to be used and the people to be loved, why do we love things and use people."
"I know that my work is a drop in the ocean, but without it, the ocean would be less"
"We sometimes feel that what we do is only a drop in the sea. But the ocean would be less because you missed a drop."
. "
"All our words will be useless if not springing from the heart. Words which do not give rise to light the darkness."
"It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not always easy to love those who live next to us." (Mother Teresa)
"The smile enriches recipients without impoverishing donors."
"Democracy is to give everyone the same starting point, as the point of arrival, it depends on each one."
Mario Quintana
Anyone attempting to possess a flower, see its beauty fading. But those who only look at a flower in a
field, will stay with her forever. If you do not
wake up early, never get to see the sunrise. "
(Paulo Coelho)
A friend is one who knows you are, understand where you have been, accepts who you have become and still gently invites you to grow.
"Life does not give or lend, not moved or pities.
Everything she does is return and transfer what we offer. "
(Albert Einstein)
My children have computers, yes, but rather will have books. No books, no reading, our children will be unable to write - including its own history.
Bill Gates
"Nothing can give you that no longer exist in yourself. Could not open her another world of images, beyond that which is in your own soul. Nothing can give you unless the opportunity, the impulse, the key. I help you to make visible your own world, and that's all. " (Hermann Hesse)
"A book is like a window: who does not read is distant and can only see a small part of the landscape." Kahlil Gibran
"God gives us life, but we are guarantee the quality of our lives."
" who expects everything and for the chance to see one that is not stopped so far that can never reach it."
"Who travels with grudges cursing walk, can not see how many spring flowers by the roadside."
"I have everything I want, but I love everything I have."
"The wisdom of life consists not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does."
"Go to fight with determination, without losing the class, win with boldness: the triumph remains to those who dare and life is much to be negligible."
"How could see the next one is busy only of myself, how could understand fear, sadness, loneliness, hope, love, even if I did not feel my fear, my sadness, loneliness, hope, or love?"
"Tolerance, respect, ethics, knowledge, good humor and friendliness are bases for building effective relationships."
"Achieving success by their own merits. Victorious those who do so. Greatness does not consist in receiving honors, but in deserving them. Study the roots are bitter, but its fruit is sweet." (Aristotle)
"I am a lifelong learner in the school of life"
"Only one gains wisdom through study."
"No matter how slowly you go as long as do not stop." (Confucius)
"The powerful can kill one, two or three roses, but they will never stop the entire spring." (Che Guevara)
"My freedom is to write. A word is my grip on the world." (Clarice Lispector)
"Only magnify our right to life, fulfilling our duty as citizens of the world." (Gandhi)
"Turn your face always toward the sun, and then the shadows will fall behind."
"Sometimes what you're looking for comes when you're not looking at all."
Time is something that does not go back, so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
(William Shakespeare)
"We can not
same, never, no way,
love is more or less
dreaming is more or less
friend is to be more or less
dating is more or less
faith is more or less
and believe more or less.
Otherwise we run the risk of becoming
a more or less "Chico Xavier)
Someday agent learns and discovers that it takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it, and you can do things in an instant, which will regret for the rest of my life ... (William Shakespeare)
Gratitude is the only treasure of the humble.
"Life is wonderful, even when painful. I wish that in the rush of the current time we could afford, creating a small island of contemplation, self-contemplation where you could see all the best things, more generosity, more optimism, more respect, more silent, more pleasure, more sense of their own dignity, regardless of age, money, color, position, belief. Regardless of anything. "
(Lya Luft)
"To live is to recognize what it's worth, despite all the challenges, misunderstandings and crisis periods.
Live is even being surrounded by deserts, finding an oasis in the depths of his soul. "
You have the maturity to say "I messed up."
You have the audacity to say "forgive me."
It is when the wrong way, have the humility to recognize and redo it. "
You can tell from the heart "tell me."
"Never give up on life, because it is a definite must-see, even if they seem to dozens of factors demonstrate the opposite"
If more people come out to watch the stars at night, I bet they would see the world differently.
Give your definition of each of these abstract nouns.
"Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause."
"The business card of healthy people." It is a star in the darkness. "
"The sun feeds the flowers, smile humanity."
"It's the best song in the score of life. Without it, you will be a timeless tune."
"It is the bridge that connects the two banks of I to you."
"It is the most attractive flower garden well cultivated a heart."
"Goodness is the only investment that never goes" bankrupt. "
"Just as the sun melts the ice, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate."
"It is gratifying perfume, fruit of accomplishment."
"Joy is vital and prolongs life."
"You do not lose hope, even though many tears spring up."
"It's being content with yourself." It is the best pillow for restful sleep. "
"It is to be calm in the heart"
"Seek not outside yourself faith, it is within you, in your strength interior.É inner compass that guides our lives."
"It's good wind pushing the sails of our boat." It is daydreaming.
"Fear imprisons, hope liberates."
"It's optimism in the face of difficulties."
The real hope is a quality, heroic determination of the soul. And the highest form of hope is despair overcome.
"It's the opposite of indifference, carelessness.'s More than an act, it is an attitude. Represents an attitude of occupation, concern, responsibility and involvement."
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Questions shaped puzzles are challenging, makes you think and have fun. Part of popular culture and the Brazilian folklore. Train your reasoning answering the riddles below.
1-If someone was born in Russia, grew up in Africa, he moved to America and died in Japan, what is it?
2-It can be a good companion, a good friend and also tell me the lesson.
3 - Altogether there are three brothers: the eldest was already the middle is with us and the youngest was not born?
4 - What's in the middle of the heart?
5 - At half past twelve on Saturday, a duck laid an egg on the border of St. Mary and St. Peter. On Sunday morning, two young men found the egg. This egg belongs to Santa Maria or San Pedro?
6 - What is the animal that walks with paws?
7-What is born dies big and small?
8 - What is deaf and mute, but has everything?
9 - What is what always breaks when you talk?
10 - He is slim to chayote, have loved but never eats and even without money, gives food to the hungry?
11-What is that life goes out the window and even indoors, is outside?
12-What is what is made to walk and not walk?
13-What is what takes many turns and goes nowhere?
14-What is the joke of the photographer?
15 - What is the What goes up when the rain falls?
.16 - Do you know what day the little plant can not enter the hospital?
17 - What is it is that it has more than 10 heads but do not know how to think?
18 - What is what fills a home but does not fill a hand?
19 - What is the single stone that sits on top of the water?
20 - What genre does an animal talk?
21-What said the ball to the cube?
22 - What is this that is always in the middle of the street and upside down?
23 - It's a bird Brazilian and his name backwards is equal.
24 - It is white and walks in sea blue, or we put on the cake and lights to blow.
25 - I use every time I turn on or turn off an appliance, serves to close the shirt, it is also the beginning of the flower. What is it?
26-What is leaping into the air, explodes and turns inside out?
27 - On top of live, high living, high in weaves, working as a weaver. What is this thing?
28 - What is the more grows less you see?
Write about your city

My city is named santa, Santa Maria. Protected by its hills, grew up, studied, met my friends. Due to its location and host students from around the country, is called the heart of Rio Grande do Sul This is a city blessed and warm, but unfortunately, can not count on the respect of some of its neighbors that have been well received . It is a shame that this population contributes to victimize and soiling my city.
Enlist with me and we will create an awareness and education more respect towards the city that is mine and yours.
Prof. Elaine
Wake up, Maria! Lifts the covers of white mist. The day will be beautiful. Stretches your body, the slopes of the mountain to the Pitch Green, the New Camobi to Santa Marta. Put a smile on Boca do Monte. It's your birthday! It's a holiday. Your children do not have class. Rests just for today, this vocation stubborn to educate them. The leafy and evergreen tree planted by your son for Mariano not blooming. And gushed over other trees and other knowledge. I know! I know that these fruits are not available to all your children, but your your maternal instinct does not differentiate between them. And your heart receives many, many foster children ... ages as well as the legend of Imembuí, remember? Maria has not even eras. Ibitory ages. And not lost the joy. ... "(Ludwig Larré)
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